You want to start an "Internet Band" so here's what you do;
1) Go to OJS and sign up
2) Start looking for other musicians from all over the World that are on OJS or leave an ad of what you are looking to accomplish.
3) Once you have found your virtual Internet Band, now you all meet up at OJS for Band practice as you usually would in a garage or where ever. You Jam Live on site in real time getting better everyday.
4) Now you're ready to perform live. Start selling tickets to your fan base you build up on the internet and use the events calendar and Concert room at OJS to hold a Live Concert. Your fans will be able to sit in and watch live on multi screen video and not miss a thing while you and your Band members are located on separate parts of the Globe but still pulling off the unthinkable.
So I got myself registered right away. I entered the jam room, when i was checking it out, a nick name 'jammin' said "Need any help Xauz?". And i told him that i was new and was checkin' it out. So he told me how it works and all. I was very glad, we had a nice chat and I listened to him playing guitar, he's very good indeed. Later I found out that he's the owner of this onlinejamsessions. Very friendly.
So if you are interest in music and don't have any friends to jam with, this is the ideal place for you. So you if have time, please chek it out .

4 Commentzz:
Online Jam session! wow! This seems to be great especially for youngsters like you who are interested in music of this sort! Congrats! I'll inform my son about this! He too is tremendously interested in jamming! Who knows someday you all could jam together on line!
@maisek.. This is pretty amazing.. We can all play together or listen them play. Please tell your son and maybe we could form a famous internet band.. lol.
Yeah, OJS is pretty cool ,until you realize there is never anyone there to play with and no one new EVER stays, mostly because you have to pay to use the "jam room". There are a group of regulars who have been there a while - they've all been given "free" time by the owner, "Jammin" (who by the way NEVER actually jams, lol). If you really like the layout of OJS, there are a handful of other sites that use the exact same software, but they don't charge like OJS;here's a page listing them- No one uses these sites though, so they may be hit and miss as far as working or not. If you are willing to pay though,I wouldn't waste my time or money with OJS. Check out eJamming - although it is more involved with setup, there are more using it and it has better audio (if you can get it to work). Better yet, another FREE option is NINJAM, whose audio is on par with eJamming (both of which have better audio than OJS, but no video).
Of course "jammin" will tout a million reasons why OJS is "better" than eJamming or NINJAM, or even the free sites that use the same software he does. You have to decide for yourself though. Explore these other sites, and eJamming and NINJAM. Look at how much they charge and what they really offer.
FYI- I used OJS for over a year and even (stupidly) paid for that year. From the time I joined until I left, it NEVER grew and it still hasn't as of today. They do absolutely nothing to promote the site and only give free time to those willing to hang around and convince the next person to pay. It can be a useful site to jam on, but you have to pay or become a "buddy" to what essentially is a conman and become a conman yourself. If that doesn't bother you though, by all means go hang out with mr. Degrise (jammin), his wife (guitargoddess), mother (eight8eighths)and sister (sis/faith/faithrising/?).
Otherwise, check out these sites instead:
@J6S Thanks for the info. I didn't realize i have to pay for it. Neways, thanks for the comment and lemme check out those sites you recommended.
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